Monday, March 31, 2014

4/1/2014 MMS Newspaper Online with Video Review

I looked at a news station based in Colorado. The website over all is very professional looking and easy to navigate. The web designer very clearly knows what a good website looks and feels like to use and access. The subjects vary from all kinds of topics, most are interesting to the average person interested in learning some new facts. The kind of news that leaves me disinterested is economic articles with lots of numbers and drawn out information. This website provides interesting news that all seems to be worth looking at, there is no uninteresting, filler news. I found this website equally interesting to iReport. My one complaint is, it looks as if their video is simply clips pulled from a newscast on television.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Joe. The assignment asks you to find video on a newspaper's website. This is a TV station's website.
