Photo Gallery/ Two Slideshows with Audio
Photo Gallery
The photo gallery above is one of a volcano that erupted in Indonesia. In a disaster situation like this, photographs are a good venue for bringing the reality of the subject to the public. It is easy to feel detached from the story while simply reading text, so the photos with captions next to them really help to bring the seriousness of the situation in your face.
Two Slideshows
In the first slideshow above an older man narrates about death. The elderly man compares his decaying backyard statue to the decay he sees himself in his own physical existence. The photos really pop out of the slideshow, and present themselves individually more so in this audio slideshow than the previous photo gallery. The elderly man is a doctor who specialized in death, and was quite aware of his declining health. At first glance, the audio slideshow stuck out much more than the photo gallery.
In the second slideshow, which also contained audio, I was less impressed. The second slideshow was done in a fashion that I would compare to a program on the history channel. Photos are presented with music of the time accompanying the photos with appropriate narration behind. The story is that of an old time family in the 1800’s and their everyday lifestyle. The photos are not very interesting, and neither was the story, so if the music had been a more upbeat I would have been more engaged. In the end though however, an audio slideshow was much more interactive than the plain photo gallery with text.
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